The “Welcome Home Again Parade†in Tigard on September 11th, for the 41 IBCT, ORANG was a success as we were able to feed, entertain and inform 376 soldiers of the Oregon National Guard. With the economy being as slow as it is there are more and more organizations out there asking for donations of money, goods and services. This equates to less and less donations being available so the ones that were able to help us with this parade were golden to us. So with that being said we implore all of your readers to reach out and support these local Merchants and business’s who helped us put on the Parade and Family Fun Festival . It wouldn’t have been possible without the support of:
- Our local American Legion Post 158 members and Ladies Auxillary
- The Tualatin VFW Post 3452
- The City of Tigard
- Les Schwab Tires Wash. Sq.
- Grocery Outlet King City
- Sonic King City
- Tylers Automotive Tigard
- Fraternal Order of Eagles
- Safeway,
- Embassy Suites Was. Sq.
- Phoenix Inn Was. Sq.
- Elmers Restaurant
- Military One Source
- State of Oregon Workforce
- Oregon National Guard
- Rotary Human Collective Tigard
- Fisher Business Consulting Tigard
- SignScope Tigard
- Eprint Was. Sq.
- SignCraft Tigard
- B-Line
- Subway
- Jiffy Lube
- Davidsons Casual Dining
- Fred Meyers
- Trader Joes
- Toms Pancake House
- Paradise Bakery
- Simple Pleasures Salon & spa
- Starbucks
- Raz Transportation
- 1st Student bus
- George Morland Plumbing.
And my deepest apologies to any that I missed. We couldn’t have done it without your help and all of the volunteers. If anyone would like to make a donation to help assist with the costs for the Welcome Home Again Parade & Family Fun Festival they can send a check (Tax Deductible) to the American Legion Post 158/TS2 Committee PO BX 23482, Tigard Or 97281.
Submitted by
Tim Harless
American Legion Post 158, Tigard Or
Troop Support Services (TS2) Committee Chair