Post 3452 Members attending.
Joe Gamiao, Harvey Pitcher
Jim Schinman, Larry Howard
New District Officers.
 Commander: Wayne Miller. Senior Vice: Ernie Doyle. Junior Vice: Larry Tome. Quartermaster: Larry Howard. Adjutant: Doug Lund. Chaplain: Bud Abbott. Inspector: Ernie Doyle. Judge Advocate: Dan Fink. Surgeon: Fred Martin. Trustee 1: Ken Rober. Trustee 2: William Leach. Trustee 3: Preston Hill. Service Officer: Peter Pringle. VOD Chairman: Carl “George” Anderson. Patriot Pen Chairman: Larry Tomb. Teacher of the Year Chairman: James Chogyoji. Membership Chairman: Cheryl Campos. Community Service: Herbert Mardock.Americanism: Dan Fink. Veterans & Military Support: Joe Gamiao. POW/MIA Chairman: Ernie Doyle. Buddy Poppy Chairman: Larry Tomb. Scouting Chairman: Ronald Lafountain. Employment Chairman: Doug Lund. Women Veterans Chairman: Cheryl Campos. Officer of the Day: Leonard Braithwait. Hospital Chairman: Bud Abbott. Safety Chairman: Leonard Braithwait. Chief of Staff: Alex Simshaw.