Each year the Veterans of Foreign Wars offers students an opportunity to compete for a scholarship.
The Patriot’s Pen program is open to students in grades 6 – 8, who are enrolled in a public, private or parochial high school or home study program in the United States and its Territories.
The scholarship program called Patriot’s Pen provides students to express their opinion on a patriotic theme and improve their writing skills while they compete for awards in the local, district and state levels. State winners will compete for National First Place of $5,000. They will receive an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C.
The Patriot’s Pen Theme for 2013-2014 is “WHAT PATRIOTISM MEANS TO MEâ€. This is a written essay of 300-400 typewritten words in English that will be submitted to Tualatin VFW Post 3452 by November 1, 2013.
Applications for the Scholarship Competition can be found at www.vfw.org/ by selecting “Learn About VFW Scholarship Programs†in the box titled “I Want Toâ€.
Applications can also be obtained by contacting Tualatin VFW Post 3452, 18820 SW Boones Ferry Road, Tualatin, Oregon 97062 or visiting their web site www.tualatinvfw.com/Â under AWARDS.