Join in on all the fun, spectate or participate!! Got an uncle with a cool car? Invite him! Got well behaved farm animals in the backyard? Put a ribbon on & walk them! Have a band kid, or sports team in your life? Encourage them to bring other friends & march! Maybe you played tuba in ‘72, or blow a mean Conch shell, do it again! Veteran’s – we would be honored to have you. Get the uniform on & let us say thanks! 27 years ago, we RED, WHITE & BLUED the parade route up! Let’s celebrate #27in a big way!! We start between SW 92nd & 93rd on Millen and make the 7/10’s of a mile loop together with Tigard Police and TVF&R! It’s super fun & made better by your great neighborhood spirit. Resist the urge to take a long weekend & stay in town for YOUR 27TH annual MOMDIDP!!! Want to join in, help or share ideas for more fun? Call/Text 503.819.3265 or email Thank you!
Final reminder, please let us know if you will be able to attend the parade this year as you have in the past. We stage on Millen Dr. between 92nd and 93rd by 3:45pm and the parade starts at 4:30pm and the parade is done by 5pm. We would love you to join us in this years celebration.
Damien Johnson
(503) 819-3265 text/call