The VFW Auxiliary is pleased to present the Continuing Education Scholarship to assist members and their immediate family members who wish to further their education by pursing a college degree or career direction at a vocational/technical school.
- The Continuing Education Scholarship is open to any VFW Auxiliary member (who has belonged for at least one year), their spouse, son or daughter with financial need.
- Entrant must be at least 18 years old, complete the application and submit an essay of 300 words or less.
- A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to an applicant in each of the four Conferences.
- Applications must be received at National Headquarters by February 15, 2018 (TODAY! – You can still email applications to info@vfwauxiliary.org. We will accept applications as long as they are received no later than 11:59 PM CST.