TUALATIN — From dawn to dusk Wednesday, local residents gathered to remember the events of Sept. 11, 2001, mourn those who died in the terrorist attacks that day, and reflect on the past year.
The day began with U.S. flags lowered at half-staff at all Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue stations shortly after 7 a.m., corresponding with the 10:05 a.m. Eastern Time collapse of the South Tower at the World Trade Center last Sept. 11. The flags remained at half-staff throughout the day.
At 7:30 a.m., members of Tualatin Post 3452 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars held a Sept. 11 tribute at the “Tualatin Wall†on the Nyberg Street island.
“We are here in memory of those whose lives were lost during the attack on America one year ago,†said VFW Post 3452 Commander Dale Potts, a Vietnam veteran and retired Naval Reserve captain.
The 15-minute ceremony included the pledge of allegiance led by World Trade Center survivor Chad Cooley, son of Craig and June Cooley of Tualatin. Chad, who escaped from the WTC Second Tower, was in town to speak to students at Jesuit High School, where he graduated in 1996.
Seven U.S. flags were posted along the Tualatin Wall to honor the victims and heroes of Sept. 11.